Friday 25 November 2011

my simple multiplayer game idea: FACE PLANT

This is just a small idea for a multiplayer game not involving computers or a board.

The game is called FACE PLANT. The objective of the game is to run to the opposing teams side of the field. The teams can consist of as many players as you wish as long as its more than one (hence multiplayer) and preferably the teams are even. The teams will line up facing each other and you will play the game with the person facing you on the other team.

Once play commences you will run full speed at each other and at the point of collision you will decide and shout loudly either side, jump or duck and the objective is to side step or jump over the other player so that you have a clean path to the other side of the playing field.

working combinations for example are
both players side step the same way i.e. left to dodge each other
one player jumps and the other ducks

if a collision occurs both players lose and are out of play until the next round starts. The rounds end when there is only one player on each side and they are the winning pair.

Preferably the pairs are of people the same height or the extremities of tall and short to make it easier.



  1. >if a collision occurs......

    LOL, the game would work, but one of the necessary pieces of equipment you have not included in this game is an ambulance!


  2. Don't forget to blog the readings we are doing.

  3. The readings are all done just have to put them up here and i hope im not being stupid lol but why Brad?

  4. Hi Dan,

    I've posted a list of the key blog topics for Intro to Critical Games Studies in the module area of the Wolsey VLE. You can use it as a checklist when you post your updates to ensure that you've covered all the main topics for that module.
